We will provide a written quote, including Terms & Conditions for service. A signed copy of the quote must accompany the first payment in order for a project to begin.
- Payments:
- First Payment: 1/2 of quote price in Cash or Cashier’s Check to Connie Scott Productions.
- Second Payment: remaining balance at project completion or 30 days later (whichever is sooner).
- Payment Plans: at times we will offer payments plans, please contact us to discuss this option.
- Credit Card Payments: after 1st payment, remaining payments may be paid via credit card; however, a 3.75% processing fee will be accessed to the payment amount.
- Late Payments:
- if a payment is 15+ days late, a $15 late fee will be accessed.
- payments 30+ days late will be accessed a $25 late fee and site will go temporarily offline until payment is made.
- payments 45+ days late will be accessed a $35 fee and taken offline until the complete balance owed is remitted.
- Returned Payments:
- if a payment is returned insufficient funds (or any other reason), a $35 return fee will be accessed and site will remain offline until the full balance owed is received in the form of a Cashier’s Check or cleared Credit Card payment.
- should a client cease to make payments altogether, the site will be deleted from the host. No refunds given!
- Payment Options:
- Square Invoice – we can send an invoice for CC payment via Square (3.75% fee per transaction).
- Square Cash – use your smartphone and send your payment. Go to: cash.me/app/WBGLJTX and load the app to your phone. Your first payment of $50 or more will earn you $5.00 (and us too). Send your payment to: $CVS911
- Venmo App – use your smartphone and use the paypal app. Go to: venmo.com and download the app. Send your payments to: @CVScott
- Cash, Business Check or Cashier’s Check – please make sure all payments are made out to Connie Scott Productions (no personal checks allowed).
*All payment should be made payable to Connie Scott.